Kia ora koutou
This is my basic facts blog for the beginning of 2021.
I am a Year 5 student in Team Awa at Ohaeawai School in Northland, New Zealand.
Our teachers have been reading us the story “Charlotte’s Web’.
We had to create something about the characters, setting or plot of the story.
I decided to recreate A title page for a book
Here is my work:
Here is my handwriting sample.
I think that I am good at making my taller letters touch the top line most of the time.
I need to work on the shape of some of my lowercase letters and the way I write
my capital P.
This week for reading we read an extract from Charlie and the chocolate factory. It described Willie Wonka. Then we had to answer some questions and find the language that described his face. Here is my work.
This writing task was about a language experience. Our teachers brought different kinds of chocolate to school and we got to eat it! We tried white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, caramel chocolate and pink chocolate. We could write about it in any way we liked but our teachers hoped we would use lots of describing language and our senses.
This week for reading we had to focus on being able to find adverbs in a story and recognise what kind of adverb they were.
Here is my work:
2 weeks ago we had to write a poem about someone we look up to. I decided to do a poem about my sister Dayna who I don't get to see much. Here is my work: